10 Healthy and easy dinners To Lose Weight [Must Read]

You don’t need much time to prepare a healthy dinner at home and these options are a good example. We give you 10 Healthy and easy dinners that can help you lose weight while enjoying the food. Delicious ideas for all tastes (vegan and vegetarian options included!).

Healthy And Easy Dinners

How many nights do you stand in front of the refrigerator and ask yourself the same question. “What should I make for dinner?” When those hours arrive, we want to spend as little time as possible in the kitchen and prepare something quick, but still healthy.

Calorie deficit

Have you decided to lose weight ? Or are you simply looking to eat better? (Both concepts go hand in hand, by the way). To help you achieve your goal, we have created this guide to healthy dinners with which you will not lack inspiration.

The really important thing is to create a calorie deficit , controlling portions, enjoying what we eat (remember: there is no such thing as ‘deprivation’ when we talk about real food) and exercising.

healthy and rich protein food

According to Dr. Mónica Herrero , a doctor specializing in Nutrition and Dietetics at the Red Cross Medical Center , “dinner is a very important meal if we are looking to lose weight because avoiding it would increase our desire to snack on more unhealthy foods with high caloric value.” In addition, the doctor recommends having dinner at a specific time, planning the menus and having it happen before two hours before going to sleep.

To make choosing the menu easier for you, we have prepared this list of 10 Healthy And Easy Dinners in which we have also included options for people who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet . And you can prepare a quick healthy dinner without spending too much time .

What are the most Healthy And Easy Dinners?

In reality, this depends on the diet you follow, your goals and your lifestyle.

Now, in general, nutritionists encourage us not to remove any food from our diet , unless it is soft drinks, alcohol, ultra-processed or fried foods – needless to say, they do not fall within the concept of ‘healthy dinner’. But what happens to carbohydrates at night ? You were probably asking yourself this question. Well, you can take them without a problem (and in moderation), especially if you have done intense physical activity before dinner (try these 10 cardio exercises to lose weight and burn fat ). Carbohydrates contribute to muscle recovery , so don’t overdo it with a handful of brown rice, sweet potatoes, or foods like beans (legumes have carbohydrates!) or potatoes.

What foods should not be missing for Healthy And Easy Dinners diet

According to our doctor Mónica Herrero , dinner is the last meal we eat of the day and therefore it should be a light and varied diet but it is very important since it is the last thing we eat before waking up at night. A heavy dinner can contribute to worse sleep, so we must eat quality vegetables and proteins, fruits, water and fiber. We can eat the first ones as a salad, hot or cold creams. also; main courses or accompanied by easily digestible proteins, such as eggs, fish, white meats.

What foods should we exclude from a healthy dinner?

In this sense, our expert recommends avoiding legumes, rice, cereals and fattier meats such as
red meats. Although if it is in small proportions, you could eat certain foods.

For example: hummus, salad with a little quinoa, homemade noodle soup… it’s the best forHealthy And Easy Dinners

What ingredients should Healthy And Easy Dinners have?

Based on this and following a bit of the ‘ Realfooding ‘ philosophy, promoted by nutritionist Carlos Ríos , we have opted for healthy dinner recipes based on real foods that are sweeping social networks. If you don’t know very well what a healthy dinner should include (a combination of vegetables, animal or vegetable protein and even carbohydrates), these dishes will surely inspire you. 

What to do

Forget about having the typical mixed sandwich for dinner, the lettuce salad with fresh cheese that you already repeat, or the skimmed yogurt with fruit . These healthy dinners are also appetizing and break out of the mold of restrictive diets. Here variety and flavor come together, so take note!

(You also have questions about what to prepare in the morning? Write down these Best 10 healthy and easy breakfasts to start the day.)

healthy food

On the other hand, Dr. Inés Pérez Martí , specialist in Nutrition and Dietetics at the Nutrition with Sense Clinic ,

“Dinner should be more frugal and lighter than breakfast or lunch. The ideal is to have dinner early to go to sleep having done “

In this way, our sleep is quality. A healthy dinner, as long as there is no associated pathology, should be balanced, sufficient and complete and contain all the macro-nutrients.” To give us an outline, according to Dr. Pérez Martí, a healthy dinner should contain:

  • Animal proteins (3 days white or blue fish, or organic or free-range eggs, are light proteins). alternatively vegetable protein (legumes or quinoa, buckwheat, tofu, tephe…).
  • Quality fats (virgin olive oil, oily fish, avocado, nuts or seeds…).
  • Complex carbohydrates: whole grains (less than in meals or as a side dish) or tubers (potatoes, sweet potatoes…).
  • Raw vegetables or cooked vegetables or creams.
  • Possible desserts: 1 piece of fruit or dairy such as natural yogurt or kefir (without sugar).
  • Water, not too much so as not to dilute gastric juices, better before dinner or between meals.

10 Healthy And Easy Dinners

Broccoli with quinoa

Baked meatballs of chicken fillet with garnish with quinoa
Baked meatballs of chicken fillet with garnish and quinoa

quick and easy way to obtain protein , a nutrient present in quinoa. The combination with broccoli, a vegetable rich in fiber and minerals, gives it a delicious flavor, which you can enhance by adding a teaspoon of soy sauce and sesame oil.

If you like this combination, learn many more recipes with broccoli and everything you need to know about cooking quinoa.

Chicken with vegetables al papillote

Chicken with vegetables

Do you remember when Josie cooked everything with the papillote technique on ‘Master Chef Celebrity’? A very smart option, since it is much faster . And chicken is a great source of protein.

Whole wheat toast with vegetables and goat cheese

Whole wheat toast with vegetables and goat cheese

Who says no to a good toast? This healthy version is a sure hit. Bread can be a great option if you opt for its whole grain version . Accompany it with eggplant, tomato and baked goat cheese.

Vegetable tacos

tacos with vegetables
Mexican tacos with tomato sauce pepper and salsa

lighter version of traditional tacos . These have tomato, avocado and Heura . And, instead of a wheat tortilla, they are wrapped in lettuce leaves.

Lentil and Roasted Vegetable Salad

Lentil and Roasted Vegetable Salad

There is no more mystery than roasting your favorite vegetables in the oven with a little EVOO and spices. You can use canned lentils (yes, they are healthy) or cook a few in vegetable broth. They have a lot of iron! Add sesame seeds to decorate, they will give it a delicious touch.

Mini salmon poke bowl

Mini salmon poke bowl

Poke bowls have become one of the trendy foods and are sweeping social networks; with good reason: they can be light, they are very tasty and they are healthy . At least, this one is, based on rice, mango, avocado, tomato, salmon and cilantro.

Spinach and mushroom muffins

Spinach and mushroom muffins

Sauté the spinach with chopped garlic and mushrooms in a pan. Then beat a couple of eggs in a bowl with a pinch of salt, pepper and your favorite spices. Bake for 10 minutes and that’s it.

Quick vegetable soup

Vegetable soup with a spoon on table

A trick to speed up the cooking process of vegetables: put them in the microwave first with a few drops of oil. Then cook them in vegetable broth: carrot, leek, onion, garlic… In 15 minutes it will be ready.

Grilled cuttlefish

a plat of cuttlefish shrimps and sea food

This recipe will become one of your favorites if you are a fish lover. Sautéed with garlic and a vinaigrette of parsley, vinegar, oil and hot chili.

Crispy salmon with potatoes and asparagus


Simple and nutritious . Grill it to make it crispy and season it with coarse salt, parsley and garlic powder. You can serve the potatoes cooked to make the dish much healthier. Cook them for a long time so that they are soft and they will be much more digestible.

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