10 Things you should know about sexual compatibility

An intense sexual connection doesn’t happen to everyone, but when you find it, the bonds flow better. Here are some things you should know about sexual compatibility.

A  sexual connection is what you feel when a certain person provokes  intense emotions in you that you don’t usually feel with others, even in similar contexts. That is, sometimes it is enough to kiss someone to identify that the  sexual connection is there, while kissing another person who you are not  attracted to in the same way  probably will not generate greater expectations.

Are You Sexually Compatible with Your Partner? Here are 10 Things you should know about sexual compatibility. Although, sex does not have to be the goal of every relationship. It is difficult to lead a sexually disappointing life. Especially when you both connect wonderfully outside of the bedroom. I’m also not saying that sex has to be great the first time (although it would be nice), but  a truly good connection in bed, for many people, is an important part of a relationship.  In order to find out if you work as a couple, it is important to know if you are sexually compatible.

Things you should know about sexual compatibility (not compatible)

There are some very telltale signs if you are not sexually compatible with your partner.  For example, when  you can’t agree on a position  that you both enjoy because you strictly want to be on top or missionary, and your partner prefers  doggy style . Other negative signs include  not being in sync , never being aroused at the same time,  or avoiding spontaneous sex.

Things you should know about sexual compatibility (not compatible)

The good side to this is that there are many signs of good sexual compatibility.  To find out if you and your partner are on the same page in the bedroom, read these 10 things you should know about sexual compatibility to know if you are sexually compatible with your partner:

1. Your Sexual Appetites Match


One of the most important ways to determine if you and your partner have good sexual compatibility. It is to find out if your sexual drives match. The most common reason couples go to sex therapy is because their sexual appetites don’t match.

Typically, this means how often they want to have sex. For example, if you are a once-a-day person and your partner prefers to have sex once or twice a week. It could be a problem. But if the frequency of their sexual appetite is very similar, then they are sexually compatible.

2. They Have the Same Kissing Style


Typically,  kissing is the beginning of most sexual encounters and having the same kissing style is important in determining sexual compatibility.  Although there are many different styles of kissing, most people will be drawn to what  feels natural to them personally  . It is important in sexual compatibility that your kissing styles match. In order, they form a certain synchronicity through rhythm and mutual oral wetness.

Furthermore, according to a University of Oxford study published in the  Journal of Sexual Behavior ,  kissing, in fact, helps people subconsciously discover the long-term compatibility  of a potential partner through taste and smell, since It collects biological signals of sexual compatibility, genetics, and general health.

3. They Have an Immediate Spark


Although some people have their doubts about  the so-called “spark,” it can help determine whether sex will improve after a rough start.  It’s true that you won’t be able to know everything about your partner’s body when you first start in the bedroom, and vice versa, but having that initial spark is a good sign that you’ll get there. this is one of the things you should know about sexual compatibility.

4. They both make time for sex


Sex doesn’t have to be  a chore,  if you both make the conscious decision to prioritize it. If one of you is not doing this, then you could have problems with your sexual compatibility. However, maintaining long-term sexual connection is important, so it’s crucial that you also agree on the place of sex in your daily life.

5. They Enjoy Similar Sexual Behaviors


If you both enjoy engaging in the same sexual behaviors, then you may be compatible.  When it comes to sexual appetite, everyone falls on the spectrum from  very soft to very hardcore.  The problem can come when, for example, one person is perfectly happy in the missionary position all the time, while the other person cannot get aroused without a blindfold and sexual gadgets.

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6. You Can Both Compromise and Try New Things


Another aspect of things you should know about sexual compatibility.If you don’t match on the  soft-to-hardcore spectrum , there’s hope if you’re both willing to compromise and try new things. If your sexual compatibility is not innate, it can still be an area to work on and strive for.  One reason an open mind is key to compatibility is that people who are more motivated to respond to their partner’s needs report greater satisfaction with relationships and feel happier after making a sacrifice. by their partner, according to a study recently published in  Psychological Science.

7. They are good at communicating


You both need to be able to tell each other what you want and don’t want. When it comes to sex, you both need to communicate about what you enjoy during sex, and how to adjust things to make it even better.

8. They know each other’s signals


What does it mean when your partner sensually moves his hand towards your lower back, after finishing dinner, or when he touches your knee when finishing the latest episode on Netflix?  If you are in tune with each other’s sexual cues, then you know exactly what each of you may be subtly asking for. Knowing each other’s suggestions for when romance is in the air is an important part of sexual compatibility,  because it helps moderate the mood and motivate each other to spend more time together.

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9. They have a similar concept of sex


Your relationship with sex, your concept (that is, your  vision of the purpose of sex ) is very important for sexual compatibility as a couple. Is sex to connect with your partner? Is it just good for relieving stress at the end of a long day? And, most importantly, how important is it to maintaining your relationship? If you’re  neck and neck about the role sex plays in your life, then you might have a problem.

10. They can unleash your “sexual” side


It may sound a little silly, but  one of the things you should know about sexual compatibility is being able to be yourself with your partner and fully unleash your sexual side is an important way to know if you are sexually compatible.  Regardless of whether your sexual side is totally playful or not, feeling comfortable with your partner (and the other party feeling comfortable with you) means that your sexual profiles are totally in sync.

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