5 Homemade Dog Food [Quick and easy]

Dog nutrition is an important factor for their health, well-being and development . One of the options you have is homemade dog food . There are recipes for dogs that require little preparation and have great nutritional value for them. You can choose this route as the basis of your diet, taking into account the need to balance all the nutrients so that your diet is adequate . And, if you do not want to eliminate the feed permanently, you can also make different recipes for your dog on special occasions and as a complement to his diet.

Homemade dog food recipes

Food is one of the most stimulating and favorite things for a dog . Therefore, you can make your friend enjoy making some rich and tasty recipes with just a few ingredients. This way, your pet will enjoy many different flavors.

Chicken with rice and vegetables

It is possibly one of the most common foods in recipes for dogs. It is easy to make and has a high nutritional level . It requires about 50 minutes of preparation and the ingredients you need are:

  • 1 cup brown rice
  • 500 grams of minced chicken. It can also be turkey
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 potato
  • A handful of spinach and/or broccoli (optional)

To get started with this homemade dog food, prepare all the ingredients. Wash the vegetables and potatoes, and cut them into small pieces. After that, add water to a pot and cook these ingredients together with the meat. It will be ready in about 30 or 45 minutes.

In another pot, or in the same one, cook the cup of rice for the time indicated on the package. Once it is ready, remove the water and let it cool in a container. When the meat and vegetables are well cooked, drain them. When they are cold, pour them into the same container as the rice and this delicious recipe is ready.

Beef croquettes

Meat is a source of protein that is the basis of dogs’ diet Therefore, this recipe for homemade dog food, in addition to being tasty, has a high nutritional value. To make it, you need around 30 – 40 minutes and the following ingredients :

  • 250 grams of beef
  • 50 grams of light cheese (you can also do without it)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 slice of whole wheat bread
  • 1 carrot
  • A little vegetable milk, because it is healthier for them
  • A pinch of thyme and rosemary

To make this recipe for dogs, take a bowl and add all the ingredients . You can start with the slice of bread soaked in milk, the meat, the egg and the cheese. Then, add the grated carrot and stir well until all the ingredients are integrated. Add the pinch of rosemary and thyme, and mix again.

Once it’s ready, take some meat and roll it into balls in your hand . The smaller they are the better, so you will eat them more slowly. When you have all the meat in the form of croquettes, place the container in the lower part of the oven for 20 minutes and your homemade beef dog food will be ready.

Don’t forget to wait for the beef croquettes to cool before giving them to your friend. If there are leftovers, you can store them in the refrigerator for another time or freeze them if you make more.

Vegetables for dogs

Vegetables are important in a dog’s diet because they contain vitamins and minerals, increase their defenses and have an antioxidant effect . For this homemade dog food recipe you need:

  • 1 cup brown rice
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 kilo of turkey or chicken meat
  • 3 cups fresh spinach
  • A handful of canned peas
  • a pinch of oil

The first step is to boil the rice . To do this, pour water into a pot and add the rice. Leave it on medium heat until it is cooked. It is usually approximately between 10 and 20 minutes . During this time, take the opportunity to wash and cut the vegetables into small squares.

In another pot, fry the meat for approximately 3 to 5 minutes. Once it is golden, add the vegetables and keep them on the heat for a few more minutes. After that, pour it into a container, add the rice and let it cool before giving it to your dog.

Macarroni with chicken

Pasta provides a high level of carbohydrates and energy . However, this dish of homemade dog food should not be eaten often, but only on special occasions . Preparation time is approximately 20 minutes and the necessary ingredients are:

  • 100 grams of whole wheat pasta: macaroni, fusilli, etc.
  • 1 egg
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 chicken breast. It can also be turkey
  • Spinach or broccoli

The first step is to prepare the vegetables and meat . Take the vegetables, wash them and cut them. You can cut the meat into small or medium sized pieces. After that, take a pot, add a little water and put it on the heat until it starts to boil. Remember that you should not add salt to the water because it is not good for dogs.

As soon as it starts to boil, add the pasta along with the vegetables and meat, and wait until it is cooked. Meanwhile, she takes the egg, beats it and makes an omelet. Once the macaroni is ready, drain the water and pour it along with the vegetables and meat into a container. Then add the tortilla and it’s ready.

Tuna bites

Fish is another great homemade food for dogs as it is one of the sources that provides protein to dogs. Therefore, it is advisable to introduce this type of food into your diet. A tasty way to do it is through some delicious tuna bites. This recipe is very simple and quick . For its preparation you need:

  • 2 cans of low-salt tuna
  • 1 egg
  • Half a glass of water

Pour the two cans of tuna into a container and, with the help of a fork, crush and crumble the pieces. After that, add the beaten egg. Heat half a glass of water and add it too. Move and mix the ingredients until you obtain a dough.

Afterwards, you can make small balls or divide the dough into two parts. Put the bites in the oven for approximately 10 minutes. Let it cool and that’s it!

These are some of the homemade dog food recipes that you can offer your pet as a complete menu. But, there’s more: just as we like sweets and desserts , our dog likes them even more. For this reason, we also have a list of recipes so you can make delicious homemade cookies for your dog , so you can pamper him on a special day or use them as treats. Do not miss it!

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