9 devices you should always unplug if you want to reduce your energy consumption

Electricity bills often hide consumption that was not expected. We probably aren’t very careful about the devices we take out of the house. Some use more energy than you think, even when turned off, so it would be wise to turn them off. if you want to reduce your energy consumption follow these steps.

energy consumption

What you don’t know, or perhaps know but forget, is that some electrical devices, even when turned off or in standby mode, consume an average of about 1.6 kilowatts per day in an apartment. This means between 5% and 10% of the energy costs of more than one family.

Our top 9 energy saving tips:

  1. Cable decoders: Devices that provide television service via cable or satellite have different energy consumption. According to the study, the device with the highest consumption is the device with the “video recorder” mode.
  2. Laptops: The laptops we have at home can consume up to 8.9 watts per hour. In standby or sleep mode, this consumption can be up to 15.7 W.
  3. Music device: If the device integrates the radio and remains on, the consumption increases to 14.4 W.
  4. Desktop computer: If you are the one who leaves the PC in standby mode, the consumption increases to 21.1 watts and when it is turned on without utilities, even if the monitor is off, it can consume 73.9 watts.
  1. The coffee machine: uses just over 1w per hour when plugged in and not in use. While the game console: When it is turned off and left plugged in, it consumes about 1w, but when left in “standby mode” the consumption increases to 23.3w.
  2. Watching TV: LCD screens tend to use less energy. However, some models can consume twice as much as the old cathode ray tube model.
  3. Microwave Oven: This appliance multiplies its consumption up to 8 times when the door is open. Consumption is 3.08w, but with the door open it is 25.79w.
  4. Cordless phone: If the phone has an answering machine, consumption can be up to 2.9w per hour.
  5. Mobile phone chargers: These consume the least. However, you don’t have to leave it plugged in when you’re not charging your phone.

In short, it might be better to take a walk before bed and unplug unnecessary devices.

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Top 10 energy saving tips

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