How to know if your cat loves you? Test to find out!

Do you want to know if your cat loves you? First of all, you should keep in mind that kittens have a series of peculiarities that make them special compared to other animals such as dogs. That’s why they don’t greet you excitedly when you arrive home, for example. However, felines show their affection in a different way . Therefore, it is important to know their personality and know what gestures they use to express their affection.

Signs that show that your cat loves you

As we already mentioned, kittens have a very different personality from other pets. They are usually characterized by their independence, feeling very comfortable with themselves. Despite this, they are also capable of creating strong bonds with humans or other animals . Below, we indicate a series of behaviors that will allow you to know if a cat appreciates you.


This is one of the most characteristic behaviors of cats. In turn, this signal can appear at different times and has different meanings depending on the intensity of the tone they use, in addition to the vibrations they generate. It is, therefore, a sample of your state of mind . Similarly, cats use purring to let them know that they are happy and comfortable, proof of their affection. 

For example, when you are petting your cat, it is very possible that it will begin to purr in a soft and deep way. That is a clear sign of his love for you. Do not hesitate!

kneads you

Kneading is another of the distinct traits of felines. This gesture consists of a rhythmic movement that the kitten usually makes with its front paws . In fact, they may pull out their nails a little when doing it. Kneading can also arise at different times and have different meanings, such as marking territory, arranging a surface, or showing affection.

If you notice your cat starting to knead your legs or another part of your body, you can be sure that he loves you. What’s more, when doing this movement he releases pheromones with which he leaves his scent on you to show that you are part of his territory and that he wants you with him. 

It nibbles you

Cats tend to play with each other using small bites. It is something that they like and that allows them to measure the intensity with which they bite, which in turn can have different meanings depending on the type of force used, such as, for example, it can be a way of setting limits or showing their displeasure. with some. All in all, if your cat nibbles you gently, it means he wants to play with you because he enjoys your company .

Sucks and licks you

One of the ways that cats show their affection and affection is through some gestures such as licking or sucking. When a cat licks or sucks any part of your body such as your hands, arm or face, he shows you that he needs to clean and take care of you because he appreciates you . 

It scrubs

A moment that may awaken a lot of tenderness in you is when your cat comes up and rubs its head next to yours. Many cats like to put their head close to the chin area and rub themselves for a while while purring. This behavior is linked to an expression of affection on their part, since this area of ​​their body releases a large amount of pheromones and marks you with them to show that you are part of their family .

sleep next to you

If you are still wondering if your cat loves you, this is one of the clearest tests. The moment of sleep represents a moment of vulnerability for animals, which is why they look for places where they feel safe and protected. If your cat falls asleep next to you, on top of you or in your lap, it shows that he trusts you and feels relaxed , just as if he were with his mother or his siblings. He feels you and loves you as part of his family.

He brings you gifts

If at any time your cat brings you prey, whether alive or dead, it is because he cares a lot about you and considers you part of his family. Therefore, he seeks to share with you the gift that having obtained that prey means to him .

Raise your tail

One of the things you can do to know if your cat loves you is to look at its tail. In this case, we could say that the tail is one of the parts of the feline body that gives us the most information about how they are at all times. If when approaching you you notice that he raises his tail and then slightly twists the tip, that means that he feels great appreciation for you.

is by your side

Another gesture that shows that your cat loves you is for him to stay close to you. They are generally very independent animals that look for their own space. However, when they feel a strong bond with a person, they seek that contact most of the time , standing near you, on top of you, or simply being around you.

It is important to note that cats have different personalities and may not have all of these gestures or may only show a few. Sometimes they even need more time to reflect these behaviors. Be patient . In either case, they are displays of affection and affection that ultimately reflect their love for you.

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