Speed up Metabolism for Better Health

When we talk about a “slow” or “fast” metabolism we are referring to the speed with which our body processes nutrients, which is important for losing weight. How can you speed up Metabolism for Better Health

What is Metabolism?

Before we dive into the benefits of speeding up your metabolism, let’s first understand what metabolism is. Metabolism is the chemical process that occurs in your body to maintain life. It is responsible for converting food into energy, repairing cells, and eliminating waste. Your metabolism is influenced by various factors such as age, gender, and genetics.

Signs Your Metabolism is Speeding Up

how to increase your metabolism

So, how can you tell if your metabolism is speeding up? Here are a few signs to look out for:

Increased Hunger

silver fork and knife on plate

One of the first signs that your metabolism is speeding up is an increase in hunger. When your metabolism is working faster, your body needs more energy, which can lead to increased hunger. This is a good sign, as it means your body is burning more calories.

Improved Digestion

woman, belly, stomachache

Another sign that your metabolism is speeding up is improved digestion. A faster metabolism means your body is breaking down food more efficiently, which can lead to better digestion and less bloating.

More Energy

topless man holding black and white ceramic mug

As mentioned earlier, a faster metabolism can give you more energy. If you find yourself feeling more energized and motivated, it could be a sign that your metabolism is speeding up.

Weight Loss

speed up metabolism

One of the most noticeable signs of a speeding metabolism is weight loss. If you have been trying to lose weight and suddenly start seeing results, it could be a sign that your metabolism is working faster.

How to Transform Your Metabolism

Now that you know the benefits of speeding up your metabolism and how to tell if it’s happening, you may be wondering how to actually speed up your metabolism. Here are a few tips:

  • Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity can help boost your metabolism.
  • Eat protein-rich foods: Protein requires more energy to digest, which can help speed up your metabolism.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water can help keep your metabolism functioning properly.
  • Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can slow down your metabolism, so make sure to get enough rest.

By incorporating these habits into your lifestyle, you can help speed up your metabolism and reap the benefits.

In conclusion, a faster metabolism can lead to weight loss, increased energy, and improved overall health. Keep an eye out for signs that your metabolism is speeding up and make healthy lifestyle choices to help boost your metabolism. Have you noticed any changes in your metabolism? Let us know in the comments.

Transform Your Metabolism [speed up]

Devin Haman, director of the Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center, has compiled in ‘Medical Daily’ the seven best strategies that we can follow to Transform Your Metabolism and speed it up , and thus give the push we are missing to our intention to lose weight.

Eat protein for breakfast and dinner

In countries like ours, it is normal to have toast with olive oil in the morning, or salads and sandwiches as the last meal of the day. However, spending a little time preparing eggs, fish or legumes for these meals can have its benefits.

According to a study presented at the 2014 Obesity Society Annual Meeting, protein changes the way calories are stored by the body. A diet rich in these nutrients causes a good part of the excess energy that our body obtains from food to be stored as muscle and not as fat .

On the other hand, the body works harder when processing proteins compared to fats and carbohydrates. If, for example, you decide to eat 300 calories of white meat , about 30% of them could be consumed during the digestion process itself. Last but not least, proteins also have the property of generating a quick feeling of satiety .

Don’t stop moving

person in white and black nike shoes

Many people spend a fortune every month to pay for a gym membership , however, they are unable to use the stairs to go up to the first floor of their office position: a big mistake .

If we want the metabolism to be continuously working, the body also has to be in perpetual motion . Commute to work by bike or go for a short walk during your break time at work. Exercising for a few minutes and spending the rest of the day sitting is not the best option.

Take care of your sleep period

woman sleeping on blue throw pillow

Surely you have many concerns and among them is not exactly going to bed early. However, there are many reasons why it is worth devoting the time it deserves to nightly rest and among them are the benefits for our metabolism.

Capsaicin, piperine, gingerol or allyl isoticyanate in spicy foods lead the body to consume more energy

Not getting enough rest causes the body to misinterpret appetite signals . According to a study by the University of Colorado, the extra time you stay awake, due to not sleeping between the 7 and 9 hours that are usually recommended, causes the body to end up demanding more calorie consumption from our brain.

Stop counting calories

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Some nutritionists are beginning to develop their regimens using metabolism as the fundamental point of their proposals, thus replacing the traditional perspective of calorie reduction. This is the case, for example, of the ‘Accelerated Metabolism Diet’ proposed by Hailey Pomroy.

According to nutrition specialist Cassie Bjork , “people believe that calorie restriction speeds up metabolism, but it does just the opposite.” The reason given is that eating little leads to fatigue and a feeling of hunger , which can have the opposite effect to the desired one. What is proposed from these new programs is that instead of punishing ourselves with a particularly harsh regimen, the fuel that allows the physiological changes that make the metabolism work faster is correctly chosen.

Add spice

brown powder on silver spoon

Capsaicin , the compound that gives chili peppers and jalapenos their particular spicy flavor , stimulates the brain receptors that control body temperature.

The increase in body temperature caused by these foods leads the body to consume more energy, forcing it to use, if necessary, the stored reserves that accumulate in adipose tissues. In addition to inhibiting the proliferation of immature fat cells, or pre-adipocytes, capsaicin stimulates their programmed cell death ( apoptosis ).

Other pungent substances such as piperine from black pepper, gingerol from ginger or allyl isoticyanate from wasabi have effects similar to those of capsaicin.

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